If you also want to get 1,000 dirhams absolutely free, then by filling out this form correctly, you can also get 1,000 dirhams absolutely free. The Dubai government has launched this new program on behalf of the Dubai government.A person who has spent more than a year in Dubai and is still living in Dubai can get his 1,000 dirhams by filling out this form. There is a very easy way to fill out this form. You have to fill all your information correctly in this form so that you can easily get 1,000 dirhams.
Dubai’s King Sheikh Rashid bin Al-Maqdoom has launched this new program, in which all people, whether they are women or men, can get 1,000 dirhams for free. To join this program, you have to fill out this form in an easy way. Sheikh Hamdan has given all the details in this form and you can contact Sheikh Hamdan’s team. By giving all your details, etc., you will be given 1,000 dirhams for free. If you also want to get 1,000 dirhams for free, then fill out this form and apply easily from your mobile.
No matter where you live in the UAE, you will still get this 1,000 dirhams. You have to apply online from your mobile. After applying, you can get 1,000 dirhams absolutely free.